Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Food for thought

"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?"

Mark Twain

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Pro-choice or pro-life?

What makes abortion different from murder and what makes it different from an omelet? Interesting thought on both ends. Thoughts?

We are NOT a Christian nation!!

I keep seeing ridiculous posts on Facebook from friends and others wanting us to "get back to or Christian roots" and to have our children "start saying the pledge of allegiance every morning like they did" or "it says UNDER GOD right on it!" People are silly. We are a diverse nation with diverse people. "under god" was not placed in the pledge of allegiance until the 50s! Also, to force or children to say anything is a breach of the constitutional right to free speech. Just because they are children doesn't mean you can force speech upon them. Nowhere in the constitution does it say that these rights only apply to mentally competent adults (if it did there would be a whole lot of people without rights). Chime in with your take.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Alright, so things were getting a tad too intense for some of the friends and loved ones (mostly loved ones) on facebook. Words were uttered and feelings have been hurt. Since I am not the type of person that enjoys the hurting of others' feelings, I decided to take to my own blog to get my voice across. I dislike the stifling of reason for any reason at all. We possess the mental faculties to reason and think logically, and to throw that ability away because an unverifiable book said so is asinine. All people should be treated with dignity, respect and love, regardless of what a book said. This blog will touch on a number of subjects (anything that interests me, really) and is intended to be a meeting of the minds by way of intelligent and respectful discussion. If you have an idea of an issue that needs to be dealt with or discussed, let me know and I will do my best to incorporate it. I'm hoping for a good time!